admin 發表於 2021-4-30 18:46:29

宣布台灣Pure Yoga宣布结束营業

如下為Pure Yoga通知布告全文:

咱们很是遗憾地颁布發表台灣Pure Yoga将于2019年1月25日竣事業務,衷心肠感激台灣地域的瑜珈社群這十二年以来一起相伴,配合進修与發展。

考量今朝台灣市场的投资状态不如预期,咱们不舍地作出這个艰巨的决议,此变更仅限于台北分公司,团體于香港、新加坡、上海与北京各地之分公司将保持正常营运,不受影响,并按原规划延续举行拓展,包括下个月将于上海世纪汇广场揭幕的Pure Fitness与Pure Yoga,与新加坡共和大厦的Pure Yoga全新的三个据点。

We're sorry to say that Pure Yoga Taiwan will be closing on 25 January 2019. We've had 12 great years practicing with, and learning from, the Taiw摺疊紗門,an yoga co妹妹unity, and we thank every one of you for being part of the journey . Unfortunately we've had to make a tough decision in light of the current market situation as the Taiwan market is not currently financially viable for us. . This is specific to our Taiwan business and has no impact on Pure Group operations in Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai and Beijing, where our expansion is continuing as planned – this includes the opening of 3 new locations next month; Pure Fitness and Pure Yoga in Century Link, Shanghai, and Pure Yoga in Republic Plaza, Singapore.

曾约请到女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)来台鼓吹而申明大噪的知名瑜珈课堂「Pure Yoga」,今(19)日无预警颁布發表将退出台灣市场,最后業務日是在来岁的1月25日。


Pure Yo飄眉,ga公关Ivy暗示,今朝Pure Yoga在台北市有忠孝馆和庆城馆二間分店,會员人数约5,000多人,针對學员于1月25日竣事業務后仍有的课程時数,會有專人协助相干用度的计较,并协助打点退费事宜,不會影响會员权柄。

别的,针對現有100多名员工。 Ivy暗示,公司也會遵照劳基律例定,举行员工的斥逐。

据领會,「Pure Yoga」母公司為香港連锁健身团體Pure Group,于2002年建立,歌手李玟丈夫樂裕民(Bruce Rockowitz)也是股东之一,该瑪卡保健食品,团體在香港、上海、新加坡及台北等亚洲地域,和美國纽约地域谋划PURE YOGA和PUR腋下除毛,E FITNESS健身中間。而Pure Yoga進军台灣则有12年。
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